For fans of ornamental plants or house plants in the yard, plant pests can be a scary form that must be eradicated. The arrival of these plant pests can not only disturb the plants that are kept, but can also disturb the health of the members of the house if it is not resolved. If left unattended, plants can die and become unlucky plants in the house.

So that you can estimate the attack of various types of plant pests, learn more about the following 7 types of plant pests and certain methods of eradicating them.

Plant Pests

1. Pest caterpillar

One of the most universal plant pests, there are many types of caterpillar pests that must be experienced by plant lovers. For ornamental plant species, you must be aware of 2 types of pest caterpillars, namely Spodoptera sp. which affects the leaves and Noctuidae which affects the stem.

Signs that your plant has been invaded by these plant pests can be seen in discolored and broken leaves or stems that become vulnerable and break easily.

The best way to deal with pest caterpillars is to take these plant pests from the infested plants. But effectively, it is recommended to use pesticides, both natural such as garlic or systemic insecticides at least once a week for optimal protection.

2. Spider mite

This plant pest is quite dangerous because it attacks the leaves by absorbing water and plant nutrients. The invasion of spider mites or spider mites is also usually intense and fast on a large scale. Inevitably, plants can die in a short period of time.

More resistant to insecticides, it is recommended to eradicate these plant pests using acaricides, which are toxic chemical compounds that are effective at killing the family of mites, ticks and spiders.

3. Plant lice

Some types of plant lice that are feared by plants include mealybugs and shield lice. The mealybug is a plant pest that often affects ornamental plants in the lowlands.

As the name implies, plant pests in the form of mealybugs are white in color and can be seen in clusters on the stems and leaves of plants. Meanwhile, for shield lice usually only attack the leaves, especially in the leaf bones.

plant pests in the form of shield lice on the long leaves of gardeners

Both types of plant pests are difficult to eradicate because they have a certain protection system. The mealybug has a paraffin structure, while the shield flea has a shield shape on its back.

To eradicate these plant pests, use a combination of liquid detergent with water to remove the paraffin buildup in mealybugs. Follow up with systemic insecticides and the active ingredient acephate for complete eradication.

4. Grasshopper

The universal natural scenery of the grasshopper should not be taken lightly because it can be a plant pest that disturbs favorite plants in the yard. Grasshoppers are leaf eaters, similar to caterpillars.

Getting rid of grasshoppers can be done by catching or spraying with water using a plant sprinkler so that these plant pests are difficult to fly and can be eliminated. In addition, only use organic pesticides or natural ingredients because they are usually enough to get rid of them.

5. Mites

Mites are a type of small lice that often attack the house, including your leaf ornamental plants. Often disturbing and causing spots on plant leaves, mites are difficult to detect because they are almost invisible. If the leaves immediately turn yellow and fall for no reason, it could be a plant pest mites that have hit your favorite plant.

To overcome the attack of this plant pest, immediately cut the infected part of the mite and then burn the bunch of leaves. Follow up with insecticides to eradicate until it is completely gone.

6. Worms burrow

Burrowing worms are plant pests that wriggle in the soil and attack the base of the plant. Automatically plants will become stunted with slow growth or even potentially die before blooming or fruiting.

For this one plant pest, you can try natural or organic pesticides before trying chemical compounds. There are also types of nematicides or special liquids that kill worms and other plant pests.

7. Rat

This plant pest must be avoided because it can attack plants directly, all bad signs that a healthy home has run aground. Rats like to eat young plant stems and plant seeds.

To deal with rats as plant pests, try rat traps or cultivate plants that are accurate as a way to get rid of rats. Also use a rodenticide or rat exterminator and find the source of the rat hiding.

Various types of plant pests can attack the yard in the house or the garden behind the house. Where the plants are located, make sure that you have tried to protect your favorite plants from the attack of deadly plant pests, yes!

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